Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I was going to...

HEADLINE from January 30th, 2008
GONE - Millions and Millions of “Christians” Magically Disappear

Just seconds ago, I was sitting in my living room enjoying a glass of coke and some potato chips and now I’m flying, naked. What is going on? Where are my clothes and what is happening to me? Am I dreaming? Thoughts begin to wildly race through my head. Then it hits me – Jesus came back for His children. I am amidst the rapture of His church. How amazing! Then I begin to ponder all the things I never did. Not a bucket list – I want to see the Eiffel Tower or visit St. Petersburg, Florida and St. Petersburg, Russia in the same day – no I’m talking about Christian things, things for God, things that would make a difference in this world.

I was going to…
Stop with the pride, jealousy, anger and lust.
In fact, I was going to stop sinning completely.

I was going to…
Read my Bible every morning and every night and pray continuously.
Not in just the bad times, but even in the good times.

I was going to…
Meet new people, do different things and expand my horizons.

I was going to…
Feed the hungry, give shelter to the homeless and clothe the needy.
I was going to be content with what I had.

I was going to…
Care for the sick, cry with the hurting and lend a hand to the elderly.

I was going to…
Smile with my family, laugh with my friends and dance with my enemies.

I was going to…
Work harder, play longer and sleep less.

I was going to…
Look for the lost no matter what the cost.

I was going to…
Tell everyone in the world about Jesus and His love.

TIME is UP - Do Something!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Unnecessary Touching

HUG – to clasp tightly in the arms with affection; to cling firmly or fondly to; to cherish

What is so special about a HUG?
Is it the gentle touch that stirs us up?
Is it the warmth that overflows from that moment?
Is it the feeling that someone actually cares to hold onto you?
Or is it just a nicer way to say goodbye?

I have always had, until recently, a quirk that I called “unnecessary touching” – rubbing my shoulders or tickling my stomach or poking my side. It always made me wonder, “Why is this person touching me and what gave them the right to do that?” After hearing about my touching fears, people started doing it just to annoy me, which it did. Time went by and I eventually just didn’t care anymore. However, I do have a new problem with the HUG.

I need to clear some things up before I get going on this HUGging ordeal. I actually enjoy HUGS but like I just said I’m not touchy-feely like other guys. I like to think that I make up for that area in ways of laughter and smiling and just having a good time. I’m not trying to downplay the HUG. It is a great weapon to have in your arsenal but it has to have its proper time and place.

Now I know that you girls absolutely love HUGs. I don’t know why but you do. I don’t understand a lot of things about you but I do know that much. Anyways, I’m not down with hugging every time I leave your presence. As much as I may have enjoyed it, every time we hang out does not warrant a HUG. I want my HUG from me to you to actually have some meaning – have some depth to it. I don’t want this being something that I just do out of routine – like waking up and brushing my teeth or making my bed in the morning. I want this HUG to actually have a purpose and feeling behind it. This is me saying that I care about you and you care about me. And in those times, when I don’t HUG you, please please please (did I say please yet?) please don’t overanalyze the situation and think that I don’t like you anymore or you said something wrong or I’m grumpy. I’m just not feeling the HUG at that particular moment. It’s not that I don’t want to but I just don’t want this to be something that becomes numb. Something that is done just because it has to be done.

In closing, HUGs are special times that have to be cherished. If by chance my arms open wide and you find yourself amidst a HUG - know that it is a genuine HUG, not something done just because but rather something done out of true care and friendship.

Luke 15:20 – “But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him…”

Monday, January 7, 2008

The Worst Thing about Being Single

As I sit here and look back on my trip to New York City, I can’t help but laugh and smile. I think back to all the funny things that were said – P Diddy - and funny things that were done – nearly tripping like 3 times in a row - and all the memories that were made. When you spend time with people, you make memories. You create pictures that will forever be with you. No matter how hard I try, every time I think of Times Square or hear about the New Year, I’ll think of standing for 8 hours. Not a pleasant thought but still a great memory (and I would encourage anyone to do it – it’s not that bad). That brings me to my main idea about the worst thing about being single.

Imagine, if you will, your parents pulling out pictures from when they were 21. I’m sure you might have a little laugh at first and then your parents would go into how that was the style and those were the fashions at the time. They might try and to describe to you that they actually were cool back then with the big afro or the wild disco clothes. No matter how hard they try, you probably aren’t going to buy it. They look funny. How could that be cool?

This is when it becomes difficult. They try and describe to you something that you weren’t even a part of while you try and picture it way back then. How could you possibly understand? As good a picture as they can paint for you, you’ll never fully understand because you weren’t with them when it all happened. It’s different to actually live and be in the memories as opposed to hearing about it. There’s just something about being able to relive that experience in our head that brings it right back to life like it just happened yesterday. So…

The worst thing about being single is not having someone to be there with you during all the memories as you travel through life.

I know that’s part of getting to know someone – you ask questions and learn about them – you make new memories. On the contrary, how much more fun would it be to be able to sit back and laugh about the things that happened in high school or college? Those times spent on the beach during Spring Break or on the football fields in New Orleans. Those times you toilet-papered the principal’s house or went streaking through the quad. To the new girlfriend, they are only past recollections. They mean nothing because she wasn’t there. Sure she cares about them and loves to hear the stories but she doesn’t have any sort of tie to them.
How much easier is it to remember things that you were a part of rather than having to imagine being involved in it?

You may be sitting there completely in disagreement with me and that’s fine. I just sit here and look back at my life. Sure things have changed since high school and college and I have had a chance to make changes. However, look at all the stuff that my future mate has missed. I’ll actually have to talk to them – gosh! Just kidding.

In the grand scheme of things, the past really doesn’t matter. It's in the past for a reason. You'll meet someone and make new memories together. You’ll be able to sit on your porch in your rocking chairs while sipping on some wine and look back at a picture from January 7th, 2008 and say, “Gosh, I look awful in that picture!”

Make memories and make as many as you can!