So I don’t know if you are aware of this, but I work at Starbucks. That’s the high paying coffee company that’s on every street corner in America. Working at Starbucks is a lot of fun – I’ll give it that. But it’s still Starbucks. I get coffee, I get great benefits but I still go into work and throw on a green apron and my black hat and say Welcome to Starbucks…
What 25 year old with a college degree in finance works at Starbucks?
It’s not like it’s my second job or it’s helping me pay bills as I get my master’s degree.
It is my job.
It is what pays my bills.
It’s what I have to answer, when people ask where do you work?
Yea I work at Starbucks.
Are you in school?
No, I graduated and I have a degree.
Then you always get that fun look that comes across their face. They look at you like you’re crazy or messed up - like you aren’t good enough to be in the big time corporate world like they are. Little do they know that I’ve been there and I know what it’s like. I’ve seen millions of dollars passing from one person to another. I’ve been in the meetings where a person’s retirement was on the line. I’ve seen it.
But it’s not for me. There are bigger and better things for me. I tried it and now I’m back at square one - Starbucks. Right now, I’m one of those guys that I despised in high school. The older guy that had the job that the high schooler needed and deserved.
I am very grateful and thankful for the job and life that I have but it’s a DAILY STRUGGLE that I go through. On those mornings that I have to roll out of my bed at 4 or even 6, the first thought in my head is always what are you doing, Mitchell? You can do so much more than this. And that is exactly what I am going to do.
I have been placed at Starbucks for a reason.
I know that I can fall into a worldly mindset and get frustrated with my job and my current situation – OR – I can see it as God does.
A time of focus -
A time of study -
A time of growth -
I’ve been placed there for a reason and each day can be a struggle if I choose to see it through the world’s eyes but I choose to see it through His eyes.
Lord, continue to grow me in this time. I know that this isnt what I want to be doing but I trust in your plan for my life and I trust that you will continue to pave the way. Lead me one step at a time and I will follow...
have you thought about going to law school, young lad?
Some of the greatest missionaries in the world have been in places where they are looked at as being not good enough or not accomplished because of their position but their "lowly" position had an everlasting affect on countless numbers of individuals. You never know the affect that you are having on those you come into contact at Starbucks each day. Maybe thats the mission field God designed for you...at least at this moment in your life. Think of all the people that you see each day...I wonder how many know the Lord. Who knows you could be the Starbucks worldwide missionary.
I think you have the right attitude in this Mitch. You have to look at it in an attitude of thanksgiving for what you do have right now and even things you have that you may not even be aware of. Having a masters or even a doctorate does not make it all better, nor the job that goes along with that. Ask me how I know.
I just picked up a new book called Godcast: Transforming Encounters with God; Bylines by Media Journalist and Pastor - written by Dan Betzer. Anyhow, there is a passage when he says, "Many church members(and leaders) poormouth themselves and the Lord...I had lunch recently with a pastor who claimed his church was about on its last legs, that they had no money, no resources. I asked him what time he thought God had toppled dead off his throne. He snapped,'How can you ask such a foolish question?' I replied, ' Well, I was just responding to your implication that God lied when He promised to provide all our needs.'"
He goes on to say after talking about Moses and the Israelites and their obedience to the Lord (well mostly Moses, haha!), "When we obey the Lord's direction in both our private lives and corporate life of the church, the resources are there. If the resources are not there, check your premises. Something is amiss. If we are in God's plan, the 'stuff' we have is enough. In fact, it is more than enough!"
Mitchy Pooh, thanks for being so honest. I truly believe God has great plans for you.
life ain't so bad when you work at the starbucks that you own. not so bad at all. you are absolutely right that you have so much to be thankful.
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