So I don’t know if you are aware of this, but I work at Starbucks. That’s the high paying coffee company that’s on every street corner in America. Working at Starbucks is a lot of fun – I’ll give it that. But it’s still Starbucks. I get coffee, I get great benefits but I still go into work and throw on a green apron and my black hat and say Welcome to Starbucks…
What 25 year old with a college degree in finance works at Starbucks?
It’s not like it’s my second job or it’s helping me pay bills as I get my master’s degree.
It is my job.
It is what pays my bills.
It’s what I have to answer, when people ask where do you work?
Yea I work at Starbucks.
Are you in school?
No, I graduated and I have a degree.
Then you always get that fun look that comes across their face. They look at you like you’re crazy or messed up - like you aren’t good enough to be in the big time corporate world like they are. Little do they know that I’ve been there and I know what it’s like. I’ve seen millions of dollars passing from one person to another. I’ve been in the meetings where a person’s retirement was on the line. I’ve seen it.
But it’s not for me. There are bigger and better things for me. I tried it and now I’m back at square one - Starbucks. Right now, I’m one of those guys that I despised in high school. The older guy that had the job that the high schooler needed and deserved.
I am very grateful and thankful for the job and life that I have but it’s a DAILY STRUGGLE that I go through. On those mornings that I have to roll out of my bed at 4 or even 6, the first thought in my head is always what are you doing, Mitchell? You can do so much more than this. And that is exactly what I am going to do.
I have been placed at Starbucks for a reason.
I know that I can fall into a worldly mindset and get frustrated with my job and my current situation – OR – I can see it as God does.
A time of focus -
A time of study -
A time of growth -
I’ve been placed there for a reason and each day can be a struggle if I choose to see it through the world’s eyes but I choose to see it through His eyes.
Lord, continue to grow me in this time. I know that this isnt what I want to be doing but I trust in your plan for my life and I trust that you will continue to pave the way. Lead me one step at a time and I will follow...