HEADLINE from January 30th, 2008
GONE - Millions and Millions of “Christians” Magically Disappear

Just seconds ago, I was sitting in my living room enjoying a glass of coke and some potato chips and now I’m flying, naked. What is going on? Where are my clothes and what is happening to me? Am I dreaming? Thoughts begin to wildly race through my head. Then it hits me – Jesus came back for His children. I am amidst the rapture of His church. How amazing! Then I begin to ponder all the things I never did. Not a bucket list – I want to see the Eiffel Tower or visit St. Petersburg, Florida and St. Petersburg, Russia in the same day – no I’m talking about Christian things, things for God, things that would make a difference in this world.
I was going to…
Stop with the pride, jealousy, anger and lust.
In fact, I was going to stop sinning completely.
I was going to…
Read my Bible every morning and every night and pray continuously.
Not in just the bad times, but even in the good times.
I was going to…
Meet new people, do different things and expand my horizons.
I was going to…
Feed the hungry, give shelter to the homeless and clothe the needy.
I was going to be content with what I had.
I was going to…
Care for the sick, cry with the hurting and lend a hand to the elderly.
I was going to…
Smile with my family, laugh with my friends and dance with my enemies.
I was going to…
Work harder, play longer and sleep less.
I was going to…
Look for the lost no matter what the cost.
I was going to…
Tell everyone in the world about Jesus and His love.
I was going to…
Stop with the pride, jealousy, anger and lust.
In fact, I was going to stop sinning completely.
I was going to…
Read my Bible every morning and every night and pray continuously.
Not in just the bad times, but even in the good times.
I was going to…
Meet new people, do different things and expand my horizons.
I was going to…
Feed the hungry, give shelter to the homeless and clothe the needy.
I was going to be content with what I had.
I was going to…
Care for the sick, cry with the hurting and lend a hand to the elderly.
I was going to…
Smile with my family, laugh with my friends and dance with my enemies.
I was going to…
Work harder, play longer and sleep less.
I was going to…
Look for the lost no matter what the cost.
I was going to…
Tell everyone in the world about Jesus and His love.
TIME is UP - Do Something!
I don't recommend sleeping less ;) It's not much fun. Great blog-it's amazing to see what comes out of something written on a hand.
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