This is a fictitious opening question. Please do not think my best friend has a girlfriend or is even close to having one. Don’t hate me for saying that weave.
Why does my best friend have a girlfriend and I can’t even get a date? Don’t worry, you’ll find one soon. The right one will eventually come around. These are common responses. Do you know this for sure? Am I magically going to meet the girl of my dreams one day or are you just saying that to make me feel better so you can go have fun with your girlfriend? I do appreciate the positive attitude about my situation but let’s be honest with ourselves – we have no idea when, where, who or how so why bother acting like you do.
There has been a lot of talk lately about relationships.
Who’s dating who?
Who likes who?
Who’s pregnant? JK
My eyes were opened up this very week about the simple, little things that girls talk about and even sometimes worry about. Everybody wants to settle down, get married, have kids and share a life with someone special. Everybody! (Maybe not the kid’s part, but you do want to spend your life with someone). Sounds simple enough right?
Your Mission should you choose to accept it, Inspector Gadget – find one single, yes I said single, guy or girl to spend your entire life with.
How hard can it be? We oftentimes make it hard on ourselves. We make excuses. Bad excuses.
Well what if she doesn’t like me like that?
Why would she like me? Why not so and so?
What if the timing isn’t right?
What excuse is she going to throw at me?
What's her history?
What if she’s a psycho that I don’t know about?
Everybody needs a relationship. Guys want it just as bad as girls, although we sometimes don’t admit that or act like it. But we do desire relationships too.
This leads me into my main thought. I believe you only need one good relationship to work and that is your relationship with God. The other day I was asked why I didn’t have a girlfriend which was a fair question. My response was something like I’m just working on my relationship with God. I probably tried to say something sarcastic like I’m just hanging with God, I don’t know. You get the point. My friend thought that was a good excuse but it was the truth. If I can’t get my relationship with Him right, how the heck am I going to get one with a girl right? You girls are…I won’t even go there. Haha
When we were first created, we were created in the perfection of God. We had everything we could possibly have imagined until Adam and Eve messed it up. Thanks guys. We became disconnected at that point. Nowadays, when a baby like you or me is born, what is the first thing we do? We cry. We come to life and we have immediate feelings of disconnection.
We need someone to love us.
We need someone to take care of us.
We need someone to nurture us.
We need someone to be there with us.
We need someone to be there for us.
We go through life searching and searching for that love - whether it's in drugs, sex, alcohol, money, possessions, multiple relationships - but it always seems to slip through our grasp and we can never fully taste or feel the true love that we need.
This whole time that we’ve been searching, there has been someone sitting and waiting patiently for us to call on Him and get that true love that we most desperately need.
Some have it and need to fine-tune it.
Some have it but need to continue to work on it.
Some need it but haven’t found it yet.
Some just don’t want it.
Whatever your case may be, everyone needs that love. I John 4:8 says, “…God is love.” If you’re running from God and searching for love, you’ll never find it. You can’t go away from God and expect to find love. It just doesn’t work that way. If God is love, you have to go to Him for it. The relationship with Him is the only relationship we need.
Jeremiah 29:11 – “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.”
He knows all. He has a plan for each one of us. He has someone picked out for you already. Someone that will perfectly complement the person you already are. Scary I know. I strive to continually work and improve my relationship with God, because I know he has a purpose and a plan for my life. In the event that a woman gets sent my way – awesome – but if not, I know that I have the true love of the Father, always.
Why does my best friend have a girlfriend and I can’t even get a date? Don’t worry, you’ll find one soon. The right one will eventually come around. These are common responses. Do you know this for sure? Am I magically going to meet the girl of my dreams one day or are you just saying that to make me feel better so you can go have fun with your girlfriend? I do appreciate the positive attitude about my situation but let’s be honest with ourselves – we have no idea when, where, who or how so why bother acting like you do.
There has been a lot of talk lately about relationships.
Who’s dating who?
Who likes who?
Who’s pregnant? JK
My eyes were opened up this very week about the simple, little things that girls talk about and even sometimes worry about. Everybody wants to settle down, get married, have kids and share a life with someone special. Everybody! (Maybe not the kid’s part, but you do want to spend your life with someone). Sounds simple enough right?
Your Mission should you choose to accept it, Inspector Gadget – find one single, yes I said single, guy or girl to spend your entire life with.
How hard can it be? We oftentimes make it hard on ourselves. We make excuses. Bad excuses.
Well what if she doesn’t like me like that?
Why would she like me? Why not so and so?
What if the timing isn’t right?
What excuse is she going to throw at me?
What's her history?
What if she’s a psycho that I don’t know about?
Everybody needs a relationship. Guys want it just as bad as girls, although we sometimes don’t admit that or act like it. But we do desire relationships too.
This leads me into my main thought. I believe you only need one good relationship to work and that is your relationship with God. The other day I was asked why I didn’t have a girlfriend which was a fair question. My response was something like I’m just working on my relationship with God. I probably tried to say something sarcastic like I’m just hanging with God, I don’t know. You get the point. My friend thought that was a good excuse but it was the truth. If I can’t get my relationship with Him right, how the heck am I going to get one with a girl right? You girls are…I won’t even go there. Haha
When we were first created, we were created in the perfection of God. We had everything we could possibly have imagined until Adam and Eve messed it up. Thanks guys. We became disconnected at that point. Nowadays, when a baby like you or me is born, what is the first thing we do? We cry. We come to life and we have immediate feelings of disconnection.
We need someone to love us.
We need someone to take care of us.
We need someone to nurture us.
We need someone to be there with us.
We need someone to be there for us.
We go through life searching and searching for that love - whether it's in drugs, sex, alcohol, money, possessions, multiple relationships - but it always seems to slip through our grasp and we can never fully taste or feel the true love that we need.
This whole time that we’ve been searching, there has been someone sitting and waiting patiently for us to call on Him and get that true love that we most desperately need.
Some have it and need to fine-tune it.
Some have it but need to continue to work on it.
Some need it but haven’t found it yet.
Some just don’t want it.
Whatever your case may be, everyone needs that love. I John 4:8 says, “…God is love.” If you’re running from God and searching for love, you’ll never find it. You can’t go away from God and expect to find love. It just doesn’t work that way. If God is love, you have to go to Him for it. The relationship with Him is the only relationship we need.
Jeremiah 29:11 – “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.”
He knows all. He has a plan for each one of us. He has someone picked out for you already. Someone that will perfectly complement the person you already are. Scary I know. I strive to continually work and improve my relationship with God, because I know he has a purpose and a plan for my life. In the event that a woman gets sent my way – awesome – but if not, I know that I have the true love of the Father, always.
So,I guess that was worth the wait. I'm continually impressed by the depth of your thoughts. (Being that you read such short, shallow books and all!haha) I had never thought about how we cry when first born and the immediate disconnect that signifies. Interesting..
Ha, sorry I'm just teasin just thought I'd throw that out there since it's on relationships and all....seriously though - I'm imressed.
That was very good Mitchell. I'm very proud of you and the man you have become. I have prayed for yours and Randee's spouses ( future spouse)for many years, as pastor Charlie said that in a message. Keep up the words for thought!!
Things come when u least expect them. Ive been married for a few months now, been with my husband about 3 years. There is a 9 yr age gap b/w us. when we met he had preparing to spend the rest of his life alone and single, and I had just decided that it was useless trying to get a decent guy and was just going to concentrate on my career. I was 20 and he was 29. God has very strange timing, but I guess he does that for a reason. we were both involved in the same club, at different times, never having met before. Each of us left the club for different reasons, but when we -rejoined, we re-joined the same night, and started talking and the rest is history :D
There once was a man deserted on an island. Every moment he prayed earnestly, "God, please rescue me! I trust in your power, mercy, and grace!" One day, as the man prayed, he saw a boat approaching in the distance. He heard someone calling for him, "Hello, we are here to help you!" "No thanks!" said the deserted man. "I have prayed for a miracle and I am waiting for God to save me!"...A couple days later, the man noticed a strange noise. A helicopter was landing on a small patch of open sand. "Jump in," the driver called out! "We will take you to land!" Again, the man rejected the help, reasoning that God would save him. A couple weeks later, the man drifted into a deep sleep. When he awoke, he realized that he had died and was now in the presence of God. His first question was, "Great God, I prayed with all of my heart, believing that you would save me, and yet you did not! Why?" God answered, "I sent you a boat and a plane. What were you waiting for?"
Sometimes our greatest desires come enveloped by our greatest fears; the unknown. We must step out and take risks in faith so that we can recieve the blessings God has for us!
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