I know that everyone has those days that just suck. Well I had one of those on Monday. So take a minute and step into the ring with me...
Round 1 – Me vs. the Alarm Clock
5.45 am and all I hear is the stupid alarm clock making noise. Not something that I or my body wanted to hear. I had to live up to my word and keep my promise that I would be at the gym at 6. What was I thinking??
Round 1 WINNER – ME
Round 2 – Me vs. My Contacts
Just like me, my contacts do not like early mornings. All they want to do is stay in their case and “sleep” longer. I don’t think they have ever seen 5.45 in the morning before so I think I caught them off guard with this one.
Round 2 WINNER – My contacts
Round 3 – Me vs. My Office
Compliance meeting from 9-2. Wonderful! This isn’t your normal sit and listen to your manager and interact meeting. This is a listen to monotone man on the computer for 3 hours and then discuss it for the next 2 hours. Definitely not my cup of tea. And to top it off, I’ve already been up for 3 and a half hours before the 9 am meeting even started. This equals me being tired.
Round 3 WINNER – My Office
Round 4 – Me vs. 2 pm
Like I just mentioned my meeting lasted until 2. I, however, had to be at Indian Rocks at 2 to get everything together for our golf match in Bradenton. Before I go any farther, I was unaware that I would be traveling down to Bradenton for the match. I didn’t think I was allowed to drive, which by the end of this blog you will understand why I wished I didnt drive. Anyways, I got to school at 2.30 and everything was together by 3.
Round 4 WINNER – 2 p.m.
Round 5 – Me vs. Ironwood Golf Course
I left the school in a hurry without any clue as to how to get to my destination. Luckily, I called a couple people and got directions to the place and made it just in time for the match.
Round 5 WINNER – Me
Round 6 – Me vs. Rain
We got to the golf course right on time, as well as did the rain. It was a downpour. I thought great, Ill get to go back home. Their coach had other plans. He wanted to wait it out. We ended up waiting an hour and fifteen minutes before it stopped raining. The course was now obviously covered in water. Not your ideal conditions to play golf in.
Round 6 WINNER – Rain
Round 7– Me vs. My Dry Cleaned Suit
Nothing like getting back dry cleaned clothes. So fresh and so clean. Since I wasn’t aware that I would be driving my team to the golf match, I didn’t bring a change of clothes and didn’t have time to run home and grab any. Due to the weather conditions, I definitely was not going to win this one. Therefore, the dry cleaned suit wins by default.
Round 7 WINNER – My Dry Cleaned Suit
Round 8 – Me vs. Bradenton St. Stephens
We lost. Simple Enough.
Round 8 WINNER – Bradenton St. Stephens
Round 9 was cancelled because I was crying in a corner. JK, I actually cant count right and forget about number 9. Oops!
Round 10 – Me vs. Food
I hadn’t eaten since 12 noon. I was starving at 8 when we left the golf course and so were my kids. I told everyone we would stop at McDonalds and they were excited. Only problem was that only one of the seven kids had money. That is a big problem when you are going to buy food.
Round 10 WINNER – Draw
Round 11 – Me vs. The Cops
We all know who wins when you’re up against the cops. Just to let everyone in on the story. We had just got into the car and I was driving across a bridge which had a speed limit of 50. After crossing the bridge, the speed limit drops to 30. That’s a big drop. Anyways, I was talking to the kids about things we need to work on and really wasn’t paying attention. I was driving but really not watching my speed. Big mistake in a different city. I came flying through the 30 mph zone only to get pulled over. Lucky me!
Round 11 WINNER – The Cops, they almost knocked me out
Round 12 – Me vs. Cable Box
I look forward to two things on Monday nights. EE and Prison Break. I did catch the end of EE which was exciting. However, I missed Prison Break. That’s the good thing about DVR. I can do stuff and still catch the shows I like. The only thing that you need to DVR something is a cable box and power. Last night, we didn’t have power. Therefore, there is no Prison Break. Based on the day, I should have just known.
Round 12 WINNER – Cable Box
Let’s go back through and look at the scorecard. I won 2 1/2 rounds and lost the other 8 1/2 so it’s pretty safe to say that I lost this fight. The good news is that there will be other fights and there will be other days.
Things to learn from my day:
1. Don’t go into a fight unprepared
2. Expect the unexpected
3. Turn the bad into good, somehow
4. The devil will throw anything and everything at you to get your focus off of God
Romans 8:28 – “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.”
1 comment:
I think I actually liked the blog more than hearing the story! Not that the fact that you had such a bad day was entertaining, but the writing certainly was. Good thing you didn't step into the ring with me like you're always joking about...would have been a bad day for one more loss....j/k. Great blog.
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