Candy – the first thought that pops into my head is yummy. I couldn’t get enough candy as a kid. I absolutely loved Sour Patch Kids and Skittles. I also loved getting to go to 7-11 after school. I felt like I just hit the jackpot. What could be better? No more school and now I get candy.
The other day I got a phone call from let’s call her Belle (picture the girl from Beauty and the Beast). Well Belle was having some troubles so I went down to help. When I got there, Belle was eating NERDS. Nerds are another one of those candies that I love. I think the only candy I don’t like is black licorice. I don’t know why but it’s kinda gross. Back to the story – I hadn’t had Nerds in such a long time so I needed to fix that. She offered so I took a few. I couldn’t say no because you can’t say no to someone who offers you food (and candy is food).
Between handfuls of Nerds, Dairy Queen was brought up. One of my favorite things about going to Indianapolis every summer was Dairy Queen. I would always get a Nerd Blizzard. So much sugar and ice cream and even more sugar. Great for a little kid like me. This brought up the NEED and Ill say definite need to get a DQ Nerd Blizzard. What a brilliant idea. Go back to the glory days of being young and free and our only worries were getting our homework done and video game time.
The DQ Nerd Blizzard event took place tonight after church. Dairy Queen doesn’t do the Nerd Blizzard anymore which is a shame. After tonight, I can understand why. We stopped and picked up a Jumbo size box of Nerds. Took the box into DQ and kindly asked them to make some for us. The first mistake was having them put half the box of Nerds into each Blizzard. There were so many Nerds in them. The second mistake was ordering a Medium size. Like I said, there were so many Nerds in them. It looked like it was a box of Nerds with a little bit of ice cream in my cup. Oops!
I don’t know what happened between the time that I was 10 and now but I don’t like all that sugar anymore. I ate probably ¾ of the cup and my stomach was so sick feeling. I could just picture my stomach down there looking up at me saying I hate you for doing this to me. Why would you ever think you could handle that much sugar? You aren’t 10 years old anymore.
As much as I love the Nerd Blizzard, I think it should go into retirement just as it has at Dairy Queen. There is just way too much sugar and I honestly can’t handle it. So thank you Dairy Queen for all the great memories with the Nerd Blizzard.
Take this verse however you like.
Ps. 107:18
- “They loathed all food, and drew near the gates of death.”
The other day I got a phone call from let’s call her Belle (picture the girl from Beauty and the Beast). Well Belle was having some troubles so I went down to help. When I got there, Belle was eating NERDS. Nerds are another one of those candies that I love. I think the only candy I don’t like is black licorice. I don’t know why but it’s kinda gross. Back to the story – I hadn’t had Nerds in such a long time so I needed to fix that. She offered so I took a few. I couldn’t say no because you can’t say no to someone who offers you food (and candy is food).
Between handfuls of Nerds, Dairy Queen was brought up. One of my favorite things about going to Indianapolis every summer was Dairy Queen. I would always get a Nerd Blizzard. So much sugar and ice cream and even more sugar. Great for a little kid like me. This brought up the NEED and Ill say definite need to get a DQ Nerd Blizzard. What a brilliant idea. Go back to the glory days of being young and free and our only worries were getting our homework done and video game time.
The DQ Nerd Blizzard event took place tonight after church. Dairy Queen doesn’t do the Nerd Blizzard anymore which is a shame. After tonight, I can understand why. We stopped and picked up a Jumbo size box of Nerds. Took the box into DQ and kindly asked them to make some for us. The first mistake was having them put half the box of Nerds into each Blizzard. There were so many Nerds in them. The second mistake was ordering a Medium size. Like I said, there were so many Nerds in them. It looked like it was a box of Nerds with a little bit of ice cream in my cup. Oops!
I don’t know what happened between the time that I was 10 and now but I don’t like all that sugar anymore. I ate probably ¾ of the cup and my stomach was so sick feeling. I could just picture my stomach down there looking up at me saying I hate you for doing this to me. Why would you ever think you could handle that much sugar? You aren’t 10 years old anymore.
As much as I love the Nerd Blizzard, I think it should go into retirement just as it has at Dairy Queen. There is just way too much sugar and I honestly can’t handle it. So thank you Dairy Queen for all the great memories with the Nerd Blizzard.
Take this verse however you like.
Ps. 107:18
- “They loathed all food, and drew near the gates of death.”
1 comment:
I'm sorry Mitch but Strawberry Blizzards are the way to go
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