How could anyone question a Creator on a day like today? It’s one of those Florida days that I wish I could bottle up so I could relive whenever I wanted. You know the days where there is a nice balance of sunshine but still a little coolness in the air? That’s what it is like today. A day that a camera couldn’t do it justice. Sure, it would capture the perfect blue skies and the palm trees softly blowing in the wind but it wouldn’t catch the feel. The feeling of WOW, there has to be more. Somebody or something had to have created this beauty. There’s no other explanation.
Days like this make me feel so insignificant. It just shows order and a plan - that I am nothing in this huge world that I live in.
The sun rises,
provides the perfect amount of warmth,
sets for the day
and then it starts all over again the next day.
Granted, some days the clouds don’t allow us to feel the heat but even the clouds are amazing. Clouds hold rain. How cool is that? I can imagine God putting all this stuff together and then thinking I need to get water to my people. How can I do that? By creating oceans and lakes and springs – that’s how - but He needed something more. He needed a way to get fresh water down to Earth. So what a brilliant idea - make clouds that can move across the world and drop fresh water down to us. Amazing! And not only does He provide the rain water but He also provides it in His perfect timing and knows exactly how much we need.
Jeremiah 5:24
They do not say to themselves, 'Let us fear the LORD our God, who gives autumn and spring rains in season, who assures us of the regular weeks of harvest.'
I am just blown away at how anyone could deny a Creator on days like today.
Are they so blinded to the Truth that they can’t see it?
Or are they just stubborn and ignorant?
I know that anyone who truly wanted to search for the Truth could find it. Look at Darwin. He theorized against a creator by using evolution. I applaud the man for searching for answers and questioning a Creator. However, at the end of his search and the end of his life, he denied his own theory and said there had to be a Creator and someone in control – it’s not just a random thing. Darwin dedicated his whole life to this theory and at the end of his life, he rejected his own creation.
People today seem to be too busy to go on a search. They don’t want to know the Truth because they are satisfied with their life. They don’t need to throw any wrenches in it and distract from their American life. We do have it really good here in the States but at some time, people have to stop being ignorant and seek out the Truth and that’s where we come in. As Christians, we need to be throwing out questions to make people think, to make people uncomfortable and make people seek out the answers.
Oftentimes, the Truth isn’t comfortable but the Truth is always the Truth and people need to know it…