How LOUD are you speaking? The new Jeremy Camp song really drives this point home. Below are some lines from the song:
Take every chance that you can
Move together taking a stand
Never losing heart, we'll speak as one
We need to be the image of Christ
Show love and serve at all times
We can make a difference in these lands
We are the hope that's been forgotten
We have the love that will be brought and
We are speaking louder than before
It is a great song if you haven’t heard it. It truly speaks what is on the mind of Jeremy and so many other Christians in this world. It is our responsibility to speak LOUD about what we believe in.
If we aren’t the ones sharing our faith than who is?
The Jehovah’s Witnesses that come to our door,
The dead church down the road that people stumble into,
Or the Muslim nation that is quietly and quickly taking over the world?
Who’s it going to be?
Are you going to speak LOUD or let the world win these hearts?
I most definitely struggle at times with being LOUD.
I get busy with things.
My eyes aren’t open to opportunities.
I even get scared.
I’m silent, I’m quiet, I’m mute.
But then there are those times when I can be LOUD and fearless.
When sharing the truth and the love of Christ is the only thing that matters.
Where the Spirit takes over and I don’t even recall how it happened or where it came from.
Jeremiah 1:6-8 - "Ah, Sovereign LORD," I said, "I do not know how to speak; I am only a child." But the LORD said to me, "Do not say, 'I am only a child.' You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you," declares the LORD.
What is stopping you and I from talking to people about the one thing that matters the most to us?
Is it our fear? Probably
Is it our pride? Probably
Is it the Devil? Probably
You know why I love talking to people about Christ? Because I know how much the Devil hates it. He can’t stand it and it just brings a smile to my face every time it happens.
Speaking LOUD these days can be difficult. It requires us to know our stuff. Our stuff being God and who He is and the only way to know “our stuff” is to be in the Word and be in constant communication with Him.
Take a stand today and be LOUD…