Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Blah Blah Blah

This is going to be short and I am just going to start it off and say it – I don’t like deep friendships - I like the surface relationships. The ones that involve, “Hi, how are you today,” and “What have you been up to lately?” The conversations that when you leave you don’t have to remember anything because there was nothing to it. It may sound shallow but that is what I like.

I don’t know what is so appealing about an arms distance relationship but it is much more enjoyable to me. I do like to talk and have conversations but I hate having to talk about myself. I would rather talk about the Florida Marlins or the Presidential race or Barbie than have to talk about myself. I don’t like to sit around a dinner table and talk about me or what’s on my mind. I don’t mind listening to others but have a real hard time talking about myself.

In order to begin a deep and meaningful relationship, you have to talk about yourself. Why can’t we just hit the basics like how your day was, what your plans are for tomorrow and talk sports and end it at that? Wouldn’t that just be easier? Why start a deep friendship when it will all fade away at some point anyway? Let’s be real – somebody will get married or move away and everything won’t be the same anymore. You may say that you’ll talk or email all the time but we all know that isn’t going to happen. Now your deep relationship has turned into an arms distance one, so why not just start it that way and keep it that way? That’s how it will turn out anyways….

(just to clear it up, I would rather listen to someone talk about themselves than have to talk about myself)