You’re traveling down the road of life and you come to an intersection. You’re only options are to go left or go right. Continuing straight is no longer an option – it’s barricaded. The detour signs are up and now you have a decision to make. Which way will you choose? Will you go left or go right? When life throws a curveball at you, how will you handle the situation?
When facing trials, I like to find the source of my detour.
Who put this bump in my road?
God often puts bumps along our journey to test our faith. The book of James opens with talks about trials.
James 1:2-4
When facing trials, I like to find the source of my detour.
Who put this bump in my road?
God often puts bumps along our journey to test our faith. The book of James opens with talks about trials.
James 1:2-4
“Consider it pure joy, my brothers,
whenever you face trials of many kinds,
because you know that the testing of your faith
develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work
so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”
God puts obstacles along our path to test us. When facing a problem, which way will you choose? He wants to know if you are with Him or not, because the testing of your faith develops perseverance. The choice that you make will either make you stronger or break you in half. Will you focus your eyes on Him and trust in His plan or try and do things on your own?
When I look at hardships in my life, I see them as a positive thing. God is trying to mold me into the person that He wants me to become. He really is testing me to see if I have what it takes to become great and make a difference for Him. If I choose the other path and fail the test, He can always go elsewhere and find someone who can.
The Devil also throws roadblocks in our way as we travel down the path of life.
James 1:13
God puts obstacles along our path to test us. When facing a problem, which way will you choose? He wants to know if you are with Him or not, because the testing of your faith develops perseverance. The choice that you make will either make you stronger or break you in half. Will you focus your eyes on Him and trust in His plan or try and do things on your own?
When I look at hardships in my life, I see them as a positive thing. God is trying to mold me into the person that He wants me to become. He really is testing me to see if I have what it takes to become great and make a difference for Him. If I choose the other path and fail the test, He can always go elsewhere and find someone who can.
The Devil also throws roadblocks in our way as we travel down the path of life.
James 1:13
“When tempted, no one should say, ‘God is tempting me.’
For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He tempt anyone.”
Temptations, therefore, come from the Devil. Matthew 4 has the account of the Devil trying to tempt Jesus with sin. Imagine fasting, not eating, for 40 days. I don’t know about you but I would be really hungry. The Devil saw this as an opportunity to tempt Jesus with food. “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread (4:3).” Jesus, however, resisted his temptations. He actually tells the Devil to leave.
Jesus had a decision to make amidst the temptation. Should he eat some food and fall into the temptation or trust in God’s plan and provision? Make or break situation. Obviously, Jesus did not succumb to the temptation because we know that He lived a perfect, sinless life. But how do you handle the Devil’s temptations? Do you ponder them? Do you dive in head first? Or do you flee and run the other direction?
Ps. 25:15
Temptations, therefore, come from the Devil. Matthew 4 has the account of the Devil trying to tempt Jesus with sin. Imagine fasting, not eating, for 40 days. I don’t know about you but I would be really hungry. The Devil saw this as an opportunity to tempt Jesus with food. “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread (4:3).” Jesus, however, resisted his temptations. He actually tells the Devil to leave.
Jesus had a decision to make amidst the temptation. Should he eat some food and fall into the temptation or trust in God’s plan and provision? Make or break situation. Obviously, Jesus did not succumb to the temptation because we know that He lived a perfect, sinless life. But how do you handle the Devil’s temptations? Do you ponder them? Do you dive in head first? Or do you flee and run the other direction?
Ps. 25:15
“My eyes are ever on the Lord,
For only He will release my feet from the snare.”
Lastly, how many times do we bring trouble and strife into our own lives? Out of my laziness, I put off fixing my headlight and chose to drive around with only one and risk the ticket. Thank God that didn’t happen.
In looking at our own lives, how many problems do we bring on ourselves? Skipping our time in the Bible or in prayer – the friends that we choose to have – the places that we choose to go – don’t you think these things could become a hindrance?
For only He will release my feet from the snare.”
Lastly, how many times do we bring trouble and strife into our own lives? Out of my laziness, I put off fixing my headlight and chose to drive around with only one and risk the ticket. Thank God that didn’t happen.
In looking at our own lives, how many problems do we bring on ourselves? Skipping our time in the Bible or in prayer – the friends that we choose to have – the places that we choose to go – don’t you think these things could become a hindrance?
By sticking yourself in these bad spots, you make it very simple for the Devil. I can see him looking at us and thinking, “This is too easy. I don’t even have to do anything. They do it to themselves.” We have a hard enough time fighting through temptations, so why bring troubles on ourselves?
When problems come, realize the source. Is this sent from God, the Devil or did I do this to myself? And when you find yourself amidst the trial, focus your eyes on God and let Him guide and direct you. He wants to make you, not break you.